Your Vote is Yours to Decide.
US House
Our U.S. Representatives are Montana’s voice in the lower chamber of Congress.
View and learn moreMT Governor
The governor is elected every four years and is responsible overseeing the operation of Montana’s Executive branch.
View and learn moreSecretary of State
The Secretary of State (SOS) oversees all statewide elections, deciding if and how elections are accessible, secure, and fair.
View and learn moreSupreme Court
The Montana Supreme Court is made up of six Associate Justices and one Chief Justice.
View and learn morePublic Service Commission
The Public Service Commission (PSC) is one of Montana’s smallest state agencies with authority to make some of our state’s biggest climate action decisions.
View and learn moreSuperintendent of Public Instruction
The State Superintendent of Schools is responsible for making decisions regarding K-12 public education.
View and learn moreAttorney General
The Attorney General is Montana's chief legal officer, chief law enforcement officer, & director of the Montana Department of Justice.
View and learn moreState Auditor
The State Auditor is Montana's commissioner of Securities and Insurance.
View and learn moreBallot Initiatives
Ballot initiatives are proposed laws that can be passed or rejected by voters.
View and learn moreLegislative Districts
Our state legislature is responsible for creating and enacting state laws, managing the state budget, and addressing various policy issues affecting residents.
View and learn moreForward Montana sent these questions to all candidates running for office in each race regardless of political affiliation. Some candidates chose not to respond to the voter guide questionnaire.